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Base De Matsushima

Pilots can make very good money as a private jet pilot. A private jet pilot is a pilot who charters famous people or really wealthy people. A pilot who charters a private jet can bring in well over one hundred thousand dollars a year. There are pilots who work strictly for one company. A pilot’s job is to charter the corporate workers to meetings that are in other cities. A company will pay a pilot by salary. There are companies that will pay a pilot a high hourly wage to fly the private jet. The companies will even pay for the pilot’s hotel room and food and spending money when they travel. Each company that hires a private jet pilot will have different requirements that the pilot must meet in order to get hired. Some companies want the pilot to have a certain amount of hours in the air before they hire them.

There is an overwhelming number of private planes on the market today. Most people who fly private jets do not own their jet, but charter their ride. However, before looking into chartering a ride, a person needs to know what their options are. There are four main styles: executive piston and turboprop, light executive jets, midsized executive jets, and heavy jets.

Piston and turboprop jets are ideal for small groups traveling on business. They are not recommended for people traveling farther distances and are some of smaller jets on the market. Light executive jets provide privacy and are a step up from the piston and turboprop. The interiors are still nice but they are not going to be the highest overall quality. When traveling in large groups you are going to need the midsized executive jet or the larger heavy jets. Both of these are very luxurious and have the space for large parties. These jets will allow for longer traveling distances to your destination airport compared to the smaller versions.

When you are considering the option of chartering a private plane you might wonder why not just go on the regular commercial flight. It could be the same experience of traveling on a private jet, right? The answer is wrong; you must know that when you charter a flight for yourself you will be lowering the time taken to travel as much as half. When you are on a private plane you will no longer have to wait on any long lines or wait while you are checking in.