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You may often wonder and ask yourself, is a private jet worth its expensive price tag? A standard-sized jet has a whopping price tag of $5 million, and it can go up depending on the age, size, and features. Furthermore, when you own a private jet, it is necessary that you shell out thousands of dollars each year for its maintenance and other charges. You will also need to hire a professional pilot to fly you to country, and a pilot with more than 5 years experience likelycosts about $60,000 per year.

A private jet is worth all the money that you paid for it if you are going to use it all the time for business and pleasure. However, if you will only use it only a few times in a year, it is certain that the money that you worked hard for will simply go straight to the trashcan.

Here is a wrinkle in private plane rental, flying. Gathering momentum opposing a legislation that will majorly hamper private aircraft charters, is the Large Aircraft Security Program (LASP). This suggested regulation directly targets private plane hires, connecting them to the national security regulations for all air voyages. If the LASP is accepted,a couple of the changes will be:

Private jets no longer have the reputation that only the wealthy can travel in this way. Families and business owners, now rental, private aircraft. Private jet rentals are accommodating. Private aircraft firms, because of their mixed partnerships, can manage short travel notices, schedule or manage the unscheduled flight changes. If going on business, flying private plane hires allows you to work in a leisure atmosphere, with hand picked fellow travelers - no problems and no delays. Private rental, jet workers can coordinate your ground transportation, hotel reservations and could even make your evening entertainment reservations.