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Many people love having their own private jet but simply hate the cost of storing them. Some people are finding new and innovative ways to make money on their jets while they are not using them. Due to the advent of “enhanced pat downs” and “x-ray imaging” in countries, more people are starting to look into chartering planes. They want to avoid the hassle of dealing with the lines and violation of personal space. An owner could offer services over online classified ads to find “customers”. Another option is to sell advertising space on the side of your plane to businesses. Either way you are having space on your plane rented out. Brainstorm different ways that you can rent out your plane and you will be surprised how fast you will see those expenses vanish!

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), creates the standards for flight laws in the country. Both sorts of air flight systems, private and public, needs to follow the direction of the FAA. The FAA laws have been and are presently in place to keep the crafts, the pilots and the public, secure in the air. The Federal Aviation Administration is within the guidance of the US Department of Transportation (DOT). The FAA and the DOT, both monitor closely all flight concerns and movements for the safety travel of all flyers on United States airlines.

People used to think that only rich people are the only ones who can afford to rent or use a private jet. However, things have quickly changed. Even the middle class society is trying to keep up with the growing trend by renting a private jet instead of commercial plane flights.

For those of you who have been living under a rock, a private jet is a compact and small size plane. It only has a few number of seats, and it has a capacity of 4 to 20 people depending on its size. In addition, it was originally designed for those who travel all the time, and it is also called as a business craft.

Nowadays, anyone, regardless of the status in life, can charter a private jet plane for fun or travel to airport. Although it is very expensive, you are sure to have the best time of your life.

Pilots can make really good money as a private jet pilot. A private jet pilot is a pilot who charters famous people or really wealthy people. A pilot who charters a private jet can make well over one hundred thousand dollars a year. There are pilots who work strictly for one company. A pilot’s job is to charter the corporate workers to meetings that are in other places. A company will pay a pilot by salary. There are companies that will pay a pilot a high hourly wage to fly the private jet. The companies will even pay for the pilot’s hotel room and food and spending money when they travel. Each company that hires a private jet pilot will have different requirements that the pilot must meet in order to get hired. Some companies want the pilot to have a certain amount of hours in the air before they hire them.

You may often wonder and ask yourself, is a private jet worth its expensive price tag? A standard-sized jet has a whopping price tag of $5 million, and it can go up depending on the age, size, and features. Furthermore, when you own a private craft, it is necessary that you shell out thousands of dollars each year for its maintenance and other charges. You will also need to hire a professional pilot to fly you to airport, and a pilot with more than 5 years experience usuallycosts about $60,000 per year.

A private jet is worth all the money that you paid for it if you are going to use it all the time for business and pleasure. However, if you will only use it only a few times in a year, it is certain that the money that you worked hard for will simply go straight to the trashcan.

There are many advantages when it comes to using private jets as oppose to commercial jets. Hiring your own air charter service gives you an unforgettable experience. You can hire private jets for you and your group when going on special adventures. Air charter service and private flights are available just about everywhere. No matter what part of the map you are traveling have a jet charter will surely make your trip much better. You will be taken to places that most cannot go, see the unseen and much more. So, if you are looking for an unforgettable vacation to airportit is worth looking into an air charter service. You can look for private flights online depending on the destination your are visiting. You will be able to get private jets that go to and from your destination. Going with private jets will truly make your trip worth taking, as you will have nothing but time to enjoy the spot of your choice.

There are several types of private air charter services, and here is a list of the top three that is most commonly requested by travelers.

1. On Demand Services - More frequent travelers prefer this type of service for they have complete control over everything. A traveler can choose the destination city, the time and date of departure, and even the type of jet to be used.

2. Ad-Hoc Private Charter Service - This service basically means that you rent a private jet plane as an individual or to represent your organization. There is a big possibility that you will get discounts or special prices, especially if you availed of the services of the airline repeatedly.

3. Private Charter Membership - It is perfect for those who travel all the time. If you become a member of a certain airline company, it is likely that you will get better rates.

If you are wondering if renting out private jets would be the best decision for yourself or your group then it is very important to weight the benefits against the cost involved. The benefits here are lesser stress, freedom, saving travel time, flexible schedules, convenience and a lot of security. You could realize at the end of it that using private jets is definitely the way to go. If you want to be able to make the most of this flying experience each time you travel to airportfor either business or person reasons then the best decision would be to rent your own-chartered flight. Private jets offer you amazing comfort, customer service and luxury for a lifetime. You can even stay away from all the noise or hustle bustle of the airports. Private jets are definitely the way to fly and give the customers the required privileges and rights. The main reason why more and more people are wanting to fly with private jets.

Flying is style is a perfect definition to using a chartered flight service. If you are still not clear with what it means then you must think of all those affluent people including celebrities and politicians and how they get to travel so often. These are the people who rather make use of the chartered plane service as compared to the traditional air services mainly because of how much more convenient it is for them besides other issues concerning security and frequency of travel to airport. Some of these people even have their own chartered luxury jet for traveling at any time. An average individual cannot even think of owning one of these because of how expensive it is, therefore, renting it is more of a decent option. You do not have to be the world’s richest person to rent out a jet; it is only dependant on having the right tools for this.

One of the reasons why people tend to make use of an air chartered service is because of its convenience. Unlike many commercial flights, you are the one who is going to be in charge of your flight. There is no need for you to go through all those hassles of cramped seats or all those delays mainly concerning any unruly passengers. With a chartered plane service you are the one who is going to be choosing the people who will be present with you on the flight. The biggest advantage of this service is that you will have all the stresses related to flying thrown out of the window, making sure that your entire flying experience is as pleasant as possible. The schedule of the flight will be based on when you are going to leave at your own convenience. You can even decide on the route of travel to airport.

If you are looking at getting to a destination either for business purposes or for a holiday you are most likely going to dread going through all those hassles that one will have to go through at the terminal. You might be wondering if there is any other option left. Yes, you have a reason to smile. All you have to do is just rent a private jet to take care of all your traveling, this is also going to save you from all the hustles of the airport. Besides renting, a private jet has many more advantages. It is just going to make you seem like you have put in the efforts for something worth all of it. You will have all the freedom to schedule your travel the way you want to. You will know that only based on your timings will the private jet take off and when you will land in airport. This gives you a lot of peace, comfort and entire security.

Having a private jet aircraft was once reserved for oil barrens, business moguls and rock and roll bands. A private jet is costly, it requires continuing maintenance, pilot salaries are high and federal hoops are in place to jump through concerning airworthiness and safety regulations. For individuals and even many businesses, the cost of buying and maintaining a private jet is out of reach and not cost effective. A viable alternative may be private jet charters.

You will just have to get into the private ground transport to hotelthat will be arranged especially for you. This will take you directly to the flight and have you picked up when you arrive at your destination. This is a great way of having to save money on all those parking costs. Another huge advantage with chartered flights is that you will reach at destinations that commercial flights do not reach.

There are different types of people that use a jet charter service. There are movie stars that prefer to take a private flight. Private flights for a movie star offer the movie star a more relaxed flight. Movie stars like to have their privacy and a lot of stars use a private jet because they get the privacy they want. There are private jets that have rooms on them so the movie stars can be alone. There are sport teams that use air charter services. Sport teams travel often and they can't be held up at an airport waiting to check in for their flights. Sport teams also have a lot of workers and players for the team. There are a lot of big name companies that use air charter services for their corporate employees. There are rich people who use jet charter services. Anyone can use a jet charter service as long as they have the money to pay for it.

A person who wants to fly in luxury can choose a private jet charter flight. A person can take a private aircraft to their travel destination airport. A person will have to pay hourly for the air charter service. Private flights are a good idea for a large group who is traveling together. It is also cheaper if everyone pitches in for the cost of the private jet charter. Private jets are very popular for many reasons. The main reasons private jets are popular is because private jets don’t have restrictions such as big name airlines. A person can bring any amount of luggage on board. A person can bring water bottles or other liquids to drink on board. Privacy is another common reason why people enjoy flying by private jets. Private jets aren't over crowded with passengers. A person has room to stretch their legs and even lay down to take a nap.

When you are in the market for an air charter service, you want to make sure that you find a company who can best work with your specific needs. For example, if you need to get to a certain location faster then, say, a commercial airline flight, you want to be sure that you go with a company who can get you where you need to go on a faster plane. On the other hand, if you are looking to fly somewhere with some of your best friends to truly experience a airport, you want to go out there and an air charter that has room for you and all of your friends in the plane. In addition, you want to make sure that the planes that you find have the amenities that you want and have access to the locations you want to go to. You can find more info online.

Private jets no longer carry the image that only the upper class can travel in this style. Families and business owners, now rental, private aircraft. Private jet charters are accommodating. Private aircraft operations, because of their mixed partnerships, can accommodate short travel notices, schedule or handle the last minute flight changes. If flying on business, traveling private plane rentals permits you to work in a laid back atmosphere, with hand picked fellow travelers - no issues and no delays. Private charter, jet workers can coordinate your ground transportation, hotel reservations and may even make your evening dining reservations.

In today’s busy, corporate and demanding business, having to travel through air has become very annoying and expensive for every individual. Every traveler wants to find a solution with having to meet with his or her requirements and an alternative to the commercial air travel. The perfect solution to all your problems cannot get better than private jets.

Making use of a private jet simply means being in charge of your own journey and trip. This is the best way of having to take all the things in your own hand simply through chartering private jets to airport. When you charter your own flight, you will also be able to decide the nature of the travel as much as cruising along with utmost luxury and comfort. Once you have come to realize how stressful it can be to travel, you will definitely find chartering a private jet to be the best possible option available. The lesser hassle only means the better; therefore, at the end of the day you only deserve to be treated in the best way.

Of course, with private aircraft charter flights, you escape airport masses, be clear of flight delays and cancellations, in addition to those pesky security rules, all of which could turn normal air travel into chaos. With private plane travel, you receive a personal ground crew that manages your passport entrance and exit requirements and your suitcase is personally taken care of for you. Whatever your private aircraft travel has charged you, it cannot equal your peace, expediency and small private hire, flight schedule in getting to your destination refreshed.