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Locano Airport Company
Air travel is currently undergoing changes and will continue to alter. U.S. security and safety is forever the commercial air travel and private air charter, carriers top objectives.
If you do not have millions of dollars just like Hollywood celebrities, to buy your own plane, there is nothing for you to be worried about . You can still enjoy the luxury of a private jet. There are literally hundreds of airline agencies that offer charters. However, there are some tips that you must consider before hiring a private jet.
It is very important that you choose only the best and certified charters. It is also essential that you check first whether the jet plane that you are going to charter is sanctioned and has all the complete permits in line with the Federal Aviation Administration Standards.
You also need to do a thorough research about the services and amenities that the jet offers. Entertainment, food, and the security of the luggage should be offered. Make sure that you also have knowledge about the safety measures associated with the jet. All of this will ensure you get to your destination country in ease.
Many business people tend to enjoy the flexibility, security and the convenience that chartered flights and private aircraft tend to offer today. The time spent in flights could be a lot more productive than you think. The time there also helps the personnel a chance to share what they think before they can get to an important event or meeting in airport. The advantage here is that unlike in a commercial aircraft you will not have to worry about several other people sitting surrounded you who might be listening to what you are discussing. The last thing you want is having them to shut you up because of disturbance. This does not happen when you are on a chartered jet. You will have the right and freedom to express what you want with the people of your choice. Another advantage with chartered flight is that normally when people travel on commercial flights they fear losing their luggage or maybe it did not make it. This is eliminated entirely with private jets.
Private aircraft rentals also coincide to the biggest safety laws of the FAA. Private plane carriers actually go beyond their FAA safety laws. Each U.S. private aircraft is licensed under FAA rules and each pilot is qualified, maintaining a minimum of 5,000 flights hours, which goes beyonf the FAA requirements. Most private aircraft charters also can carry from 4 to 400 passengers. In many situations, flyers for a business or private aircraft hire, may walk or are driven directly to the jet’s entry. They are allowed to board their flight sans having to be being frisked or needing to go through a metal detector.Although, the airline market statistics stress that private jet security has an awesome record, because of running its own stringent security rules.
Pilots can make extremely good money as a private jet pilot. A private jet pilot is a pilot who charters famous people or really wealthy people. A pilot who charters a private jet can make well over one hundred thousand dollars a year. There are pilots who work strictly for one company. A pilot’s job is to charter the corporate workers to meetings that are in other places. A company will pay a pilot by salary. There are companies that will pay a pilot a high hourly wage to fly the private jet. The organizations will even pay for the pilot’s hotel room and food and spending money when they travel. Each company that hires a private jet pilot will have different requirements that the pilot must meet in order to get hired. Some companies want the pilot to have a certain amount of hours in the air before they hire them.
- No last second scheduling or modifications
- Passengers will now be patted down
- Air Marshalls will be assigned to the private jets
- Background checks for flyers and the crew
- Luggage checks with limitations.