Saint Crepin Airport

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), creates the baselines for flight laws in the nation. Both sorts of air flight systems, private and public, have to go by the direction of the FAA. The FAA regulations have been and are presently in place to keep the planes, the pilots and the public, secure in the clouds. The Federal Aviation Administration is under the guidance of the United States Department of Transportation (DOT). The FAA and the DOT, dually monitor nearest all flight concerns and movements for the safety travel of all passengers on U.S. airlines.

If you are thinking if making use of a private jet is going to be the best option for your team or for yourself then you should first consider and keep in mind the benefits that you can attain against the amount that you will be spending. The benefits are many such as the flexible schedules depending on your time line, freedom, less stress and most importantly convenience and utmost security. By the end of it you will also come to realize that private jets are definitely the better option not just for business reasons but even if you want to go in a holiday with your family. The private craft offers you a more intimate surrounding and environment with your close ones. Private jets offer you the luxury that you could be looking for. You will be able to stay far away from all the noise and hustle bustle of airport. Private jets help by giving you the rights and all the privileges that you need to have comfortable travel.

When you are considering the option of chartering a private jet you might wonder why not just go on the regular commercial flight. It could be the same experience of traveling on a private jet, right? The answer is wrong; you must know that when you charter a flight for yourself you will be lowering the time taken to travel as much as half. When you are on a private jet you will no longer have to wait on any long lines or wait while you are checking in.

Top 8 Reasons for Private Flights

Sit back for a moment, close your eyes, and imagine a private flight with none of the following problems you encounter on a commercial flight:

1 - You will not have to wait for hours in a crowded waiting area.

2 - No annoying and rude fellow travelers (unless you invited them).

3 - No layovers and sprints from one gate to another.

4 - Your favorite soda will not be given to somebody else before the stewardess gets to your seat.

5 - You can put your seat back without annoying somebody else.

6 - Nobody in front of you will disturb you by putting their seat down.

7 - No screaming babies, or toddlers, or unhappily married people.

8 - No obnoxious body odors coming from your seat partner that you didn't choose.

There are many reason to use a private jet to get to your destination airport

You will just have to get into the private ground transport to hotelthat will be arranged especially for you. This will take you directly to the flight and have you picked up when you arrive at your destination. This is a great way of having to save money on all those parking costs. Another big advantage with chartered flights is that you will reach at destinations that commercial flights do not reach.